Dosen Pembimbing
Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE.,M.Si.


With the rapid development of the digital world, causing the growth of internet users, especially youtube users. One of the many populer content by youtube users is beauty, so that the emerging beauty vlogger. This research focuses on the analysis determinants of interest in the beauty vlogger and how users behave after watching beauty vlogger. This qualitative research with Critical Incident Technique (CIT) method and use in-depth interview. The number of informants were 13 people who view beauty vlogger more than once. In this research found factors that marked the beginning of viewer and subscriber interest to the beauty vlogger, ie like personal beauty vlogger, view to get some benefits, recommendations and curiosity. Factors determinants of viewer and subscriber interest to view beauty vlogger repeatedly, ie like content, physical beauty vlogger, and video quality. Some behaviors after viewer and subscriber view beauty vlogger, ie like applying makeup tutorial, purchase makeup products reviewed by beauty vlogger, dan pass on information from the beauty vlogger to others.
Keywords: Cosmetics, Beauty, Makeup, Youtube, Beauty Vlogger, Viewer, Subscriber

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