Dosen Pembimbing
Prof.Dr.Bambang Tjahjadi., MBA.CA.,CMA. CA.

Truking industry is one industry in the field of land transport. Truking own
industrial needs in East Java reached 90% of the total land transport. This led to
the burgeoning industry is becoming a commodity, so has their tendency towards
tariff competition among each other. Chain is an analysis to create an advantage,
so by combining the chain with these commodities can provide a new perspective
in the resource optimization for commodity-based companies or companies
Truking this. The purpose of this study is to outline the chain of company PT SRU
Logistics. This is done by mengobeservasi deeper into all the chain of the
company. After that, compared with the chain of similar companies and made
conclusions to provide a cost advantage.
Keywords: Truking, commodities, chain, optimization, excellence, cost strategies.


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