Dosen pembimbing
Dr.Dwi Ratmawati,SE.,M.Com


The changes that occur will have an impact for employees, employees who
are ready for this change will be ready and eager to change because it can give
them an opportunity to learn and grow, not the case with employees who are not
ready for change, change is likely to bring negative consequences for them,
namely include: uncertainty, frustration, isolation, depression, and anxiety (Martin
et al, 2005). The purpose of this study to analyze and prove whether emotional
intelligence, employee engagement and employee readiness of change affecting
the implementation of Job Performance Assessment (PPK) employees at the
Regional Office of State Personnel Board II Surabaya. The sample used in this
study are employees of the Regional Office II BKN Surabaya with probability
sampling technique with simple random sampling. The analysis technique used is
multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis showed that emotional
intelligence, employee engagement and employee readiness of change affect
positively and significantly to the implementation of performance appraisal (PPK)
Employees (Y) in the Regional Office II BKN Surabaya. The third independent
variable can explain the implementation model of performance appraisal (PPK)
Employees (Y) amounted to 60.5%.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, employee engagement, employee readiness of
change and job performance assessment.

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