Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Sri Hartini, SE.,M.Si


As the growth of the internet, all industrial sectors also improve their
technology capacity based on the type of services, including the tourism industry.
Internet technology creates low switching cost because of the ease and cheap to
accessing the travel web from anywhere. This is then used by consumers to
compare the advantages of each web and the hotel was in it. With the increasing
number of hotel as well as information easily accessible to consumers, certainly
not easy for the consumer determines the selection that will be ordered. One of
the media to compare is internet or electronic media, more obvious is the travel
web. This study aims to identify and analyze the impact of shared values,
communications, privacy and security, and online review of the trust to travel
website, as well as to identify and analyze the impact of shared values,
communications, privacy and security, online review, and trust to the website of
the trust to hotel provider in the travel web, and then to determine and analyze the
effect of trust to web and trust to the hotel provider to the user commitment.
The method used in this study is a quantitative research methods. The
population used in this study are all online travel web users that uses the online
travel web maximum of 6 months ago and the decision-making process
transactions done alone. The sampling technique used in this study is a nonprobability
sampling techniques through purposive sampling. Data collection
techniques used in this study was a questionnaire enclosed. This study uses
Partial Least Square (PLS) as an analytical tool.
The results of this study indicate that (1) Shared Value have impact to
Trust to Website; (2) Communications have no impact to the Trust to Website; (3)
Privacy and Security have impact the Trust to Website; (4) Shared Value does not
affect the Trust to hotel provider; (5) Communications have impact the Trust to
hotel provider; (6) Privacy and Security affect the Trust to hotel provider; (7)
Online Review have impact the Trust to hotel provider; (8) Trust to Website affect
the Trust to hotel provider; (9) Trust to Website affect Commitment; (10) Trust to
hotel provider impact on Commitment
Keyword : Shared Value, Communications, Privacy/Security, Online Review,
Trust to Website, Trust to Hotel Provider, Commitment

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